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POPIA Compliance Shall B Studio Pty Ltd supports the right to privacy and will strive to safeguard client and employee personal information. This policy document sets out how we manage privacy.

Any queries or requests should be directed to or


Prior authorisation
Shall B Studio only processes unique identifiers for our own purposes, or acts on data received from our clients for their purposes (marketing and communications). We do not share any of this information with any third parties. For clients, full names, identity numbers and company address details are required for any persons contracting with Shall B Studio. We also require and use name and (company) contact details for other parties within our client’s environment who form part of the working relationship. For suppliers, full names and identity numbers of the contracting party, along with company details and bank account details (for payment purposes) are required. Shall B Studio does not collect or process unique data or information of children. We do not believe that we require prior authorisation from the Information Regulator.

The purpose of storing or noting client data and company information is for the fulfilment of client-originated assignments such as:

  • Compiling Marketing and Brand strategies
  • Developing CRM frameworks
  • Internal communications
  • External communications
  • Social media management

Shall B Studio will communicate with willing clients to advise of new services, pricing changes, industry trends or case studies to improve their knowledge. All communications will allow recipients to unsubscribe. Shall B Studio will hold our clients Names, Contact Details (mobile, landline, email), Title and associated Company on record. In communicating with the clients of our PAIA-compliant clients, Shall B Studio will subscribe to the same unsubscribe conditions. Data held will be restricted to Company, Name and specified Contact details of our clients. This data is supplied by our client. The clients (of our clients) data is supplied by Shall B Studio’s clients, also as PAIA compliant companies. Sensitive data is not collected or stored (e.g. racial group, religious beliefs, health conditions, political affiliations, sexual preferences, cultural orientation).

Shall B Studio may collect and store data under the following conditions:

  • Contact is made telephonically, via our website or by e-mail
  • A subscription to a newsletter, adding to our mailing list
  • Referrals from third parties to whom you’ve requested an introduction
  • Clients who transact regularly with us as their primary supplier.

Shall B Studio will also receive data of ‘clients-clients’ from our client collected on the basis of our client being PAIA compliant. In this category, Shall B Studio is ultra-sensitive to privacy and security.

We will share data under the following circumstances:

  • Compliance with judicial proceedings, court or government orders
  • Defend ourselves against any legal claims.

In all instances, despite the order provided (which makes for an ‘exempt’ case), we will consult with our attorneys before disclosing any personal information. Shall B Studio will also share data with our client’s permission when making a referral to an upstream associate (e.g. hosting company, e-commerce developers, etc.).